Sandy vo

meditation teacher + self-care practitioner 

"If you are looking for a safe, inviting, non-judgemental, self-love warrior to journey through life with, Shavonne is your go-to girl. I've had the delight of working on a project for a few months with Shavonne's assistance and was able to witness how much she truly understands women who are in need of healing and transformation.

I asked Shavonne to be a guest on my podcast to share her inspiring story and since then have watched her evolve into a walking beacon of light. Shavonne's striking ability to express truth through her poetry is captivating to the soul and stirs the inspiration within her audience to seek their own truth and pave their own way. I am so excited for her and those who say YES to her healing work." 


david don miller

playwright + english teacher

"When I taught English and playwriting at the Celia Cruz Bronx High School of Music, I was asked to coach Shavonne on her valedictorian speech, days before she was to deliver it. An extraordinary and daunting event under normal circumstances, the circumstances of Shavonne’s speech transcended others, for she was tasked to deliver it less than a week after her mother passed away. Out of concern for Shavonne’s well being, we asked her if she would rather not proceed. If she had any doubts, I never saw them. Grief-stricken and still in shock, this eighteen-year-old woman stood alone, in front of a packed Lehman College auditorium, and delivered one of the most inspiring moments I've ever witnessed. As someone who also lost a parent in his teens, I still struggle to comprehend the magnitude of courage, integrity, and strength Shavonne gave me that day. I realize now that when I was asked to coach Shavonne, it was I who would receive the coaching. Now that she is a formidable writer and peer, I am newly inspired by Shavonne Bell, and dream of a day when we may collaborate."



intuitive tarot reader, life coach & healing guide

"I could legit write a whole novella about how much I love Shavonne. She is an incredible writer, best gift giver ever, creative, weird, alien goddess who I just love with my whole soul. Her dedication to healing and love of Self — the shadow and the light — is truly inspiring. She has been such a role model for me in tending to the child within me who so desperately needed nurturing and parenting. Her vulnerability and the expansion of its power has been so beauty-full to see unfold. I am grateful that she is one of the few people in my life that I can regularly share my spiritual awakening with because…shit gets weird. Shavonne always holds me with such love, kindness, curiosity, and acceptance. Thank you for being you, sib."